To verify your Right to Work in New Zealand, SEEK Pass reconciles your personal and document information with the relevant database or authority.
For New Zealand and Australian citizens who are providing a New Zealand or Australian document for verification, SEEK Pass will check this document against the official government record holder or issuer.
If, upon verifying the document you have provided, we are informed that your document cannot contribute towards verification, it is likely due to one of the reasons listed below. Please ensure you are providing the most recent version of your document, making sure it has not been recorded as lost, stolen or void.
- The document is within its expiry but has been recorded as lost or stolen
- The document has been superseded by a more recently issued document
- The document is in transit or has been impounded
- The document is past its expiry date
- The document is a provisional travel document that was issued in an emergency overseas
For New Zealand visa holders who are providing a New Zealand Visa Grant Notice, SEEK Pass will only be able to verify your visa status once you have arrived in New Zealand. If you would like more information about the status of your New Zealand visa, we encourage you to contact the Department of Immigration directly.
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