Registration number
While the location of a Birth Certificate registration number varies between each state/territory, it is generally located at either the top or bottom of the certificate. It is often labelled as the Registration Number and may also include letters. If there is a forward slash (/) in the number, please include it e.g. 123456/1970.
In the example image below, a NSW birth certificate is displayed, and the registration number is located in the top-right corner of the certificate.
Certificate number and date
If you have a Birth Certificate that was issued on or after the dates provided below, you will also be required to provide a Certificate number (located in small font in the bottom-left corner of your certificate) and Certificate date (located at the very bottom of your certificate, positioned close to the seal and signature).
- ACT Birth Certificate issued on or from 1 May 2002
- NT Birth Certificate issued on or from 12 July 1999
- SA Birth Certificate issued on or from 1 November 1999
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